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  • ** This book is okay
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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

***** This was one of the best books I have ever read. I like how the main character was funny.This book wants you to keep reading on and on. He has good moments and has some hardships. He is an Indian and his his best friend is too, but he learns to like white people also. He learns some very vauluable lessons. Read this Book.

Anonymous said...

This is a very good book. The main character is really weird but that makes it funny and kept me reading. The book is also serious in showing how life on an Indian reservation is very difficult. It also shows that you have to make choices for yourself that may affect others, but in the end you have to do what’s best for you and hopefully your family and friends will understand.

Anonymous said...

This book had me going from the time it started until it ended. This book is in my top 5 fo sho. I loved it. This book is not only for indians. It has good morals to it, and you learn a thing or two about another culture that you may or may not have known. I had no idea that most people are poor on reservations. Arnold AKA Junior has some very hard times but it has a happy ending(which is very good.) Sherman is a very good author and has a way of putting humor to things in a way i have never seen. If you havent read this book yet i highly reccomend it!!!

Anonymous said...

**** The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie was a great novel. I liked that there are drawings, drawn by Ellen Forney, in the novel because it added like a new element to the novel. The whole novel was enjoyable to read from beginning to end. The novel is definitely one of the top novels that I’ve ever read. Through out the whole novel, it kept my attention, and quite a few times I blocked out what was going on in the room around me, and didn’t noticed someone wanted my attention. Whenever I stopped reading, I wondered what was going to happen, and once finished I definitely wanted more, and wished there was a second book. In some ways the whole novel in some ways, in my opinion, can be inspirational to other readers to do something. Quite a few times I felt like I was there, while I was reading, and could see and hear what was going on. It has a lot of things that can really make readers think differently. I liked the whole book, I would absolutely recommend it, and I may read it again sometime.

Anonymous said...

This story is about Junior, a Spokane Indian enjoys drawing cartoons. He is a very smart kid who lives on the Spokane Indian reservation with his parents and sister. Junior also is picked on by many other people, and only has one friend. Junior decides that he wants to leave the reservation and attend a high school off the reservation to get a better education, something that is shunned upon among the Spokane Indians. Junior is the only Indian that attends this school, and is also made fun of at this new school. While attending the new school, he makes new friends and becomes a star athlete on the basketball team. While he enjoys his time at his new school, all of the Spokane Indians do not like him anymore for his decisions, and are cruel to him. I thought that is book was okay. I liked the idea for the story, but I found the main character to be irritating at times.

Anonymous said...

I wasn’t sure if I would like this book at first and to tell you the truth I didn’t. Though some of the parts were funny; its not really the type of book that I like to read. The character grows a lot and has to face a lot in his life so I can see how a lot of people can relate to it. One thing that I did like was the fact that there was a lot of culture in the story and I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before. Maybe the fact that I wasn’t sure if I would like it at the beginning affected the way I felt when I read it. Many others really enjoyed the story so where I would not recommend this to people; others might.

Anonymous said...

This book was preety dang good. Its about some indian kid who leaves the rez and gos through a few struggle. There is a big problem dealing with alcohol and the indians. Over all it was a good book and i would recomend that people read the thang.

Anonymous said...

An Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian seemed a little strange to me when I first started to read it. However as I kept reading I started to like it. The main character is Arnold Spirit and he’s poor Native American who lives on the reservation. He’s a very smart kid encounters countless problems throughout the story. I thought this was a decent book, although most parts are pretty depressing.

Anonymous said...

**** The Absolutely True Diary of a Party-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie was a great book. The book is about a Spokane Indian name Junior, a natural born freak. He lives on a reservation in Spokane, Washington with his ex-alcoholic mother, alcoholic father, depressed sister, and grandmother. Junior’s best friend’s name is Rowdy, the tough kid at school, the only reason he is mean all the time is because his father beats him, and he takes out all his anger on anyone in his way. When Junior gets to his first day of high school, he goes to geometry class, and sees his mom’s name written in it, with all his anger, he throws the book at his teacher, and gets suspended. After talking to his teacher, he learns some things about his family. Junior decides he doesn’t want to end up like everyone else on his reservation, so he decides to do something with his life, which requires him to go to a rich white school 22 miles away. I really enjoyed reading this book. I felt like I was in the book at some points. It had a lot of comic relief, drawings, funny similes, and hilarious mental pictures. After I was finished with the book, I wished there was another book after it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. I will most likely go back to it, and read it again.

Anonymous said...

*** I think The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was a pretty good book. It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read but it was still good. It showed how hard life as an Indian in the real world, away from the reservation. The main character makes his journey away from the reservation into a white school and makes you laugh they whole way. Although, I didn’t think it was a funny as some people said it would be. But over all I would recommend this book to you wanted a fast, funny read.

Anonymous said...

I think The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was a pretty good book. I really like how in Indian tries to do better things to not make Indians look any different from any one else. It showed how hard was life fore been in Indian at that time. In my opinion fore me it was a little too difficult to read, but it was good because I read something that was challenging fore my reading ability. And I really liked the main character, because he said lots of funny things all the way threw the book. I recommend reading this book, if you really want to challenge your self.

Kyle J said...

*** I thought the Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was a pretty good book. I liked how Junior kept on trying to succeed in everything that he did even though conditions didn't really allow for him to do that. He was an Indian in an all white school, and he kept pushing himself even though he had people everywhere either making fun of him or trying to bring him down. I think Sherman Alexie did a really good job of showing what it is like for people from a minority group to fit in with other parts of society. I also liked in the book when Junior had to play basetball against his old high school, and the crowd is just all over him. It's a really good book to read, and I think you can learn a lot about what minority groups go through in society. Everyone should defenitely read this book because you will also learn what it is like in Inidan culture, and what goes on in an Indian Reservation. I liked it a lot, and I think other people would too.

Adam G. said...

*** I thought the Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was a pretty good book. I liked how Junior didn't give up in anything he did. It sounds alot like me. I like how he had the determintaion to not give up when everyone was telling him that he was a trader for leaving the reservation. When I first started reading this book I was excited because the beggining made me interested. It made me want to deep reading becuase the author made it funny. I also liked how basketball was weaved in the plot. I like basketball and it made this book even better. I would definetly recommend this book to anybody.

Jenna L said...

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was pretty funny. The main character Junior has quite the imagination and doesn’t mind being bold about some more “private” matters. He lives on the Spokane Indian reservation and wants to travel the world, but in order to do so he needs a better education. He is encouraged by an elder (who also happens to be his geometry teacher) to seek out an equal education high school where he gets his first sort-of girlfriend, many new friends, and becomes one of the stars of the basketball team. I really liked how Junior could tell about all his problems in a humorous and comical manor despite the miserable circumstances. It really showed true “rez” life and problems that real Native Americans face like alcoholism and living as low income families. I think that the best part of this book was touching on the vital issues also including brain disorders, bullying, and change, but remaining positive and amusing to get across the point.

Kyle C said...

**** The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is one of the best books I have ever read. I liked it a lot because the entire book was very funny. This book is about a boy named Junior who lives on an Indian reservation along with his best friend Rowdy. He decides to quit attending school on the reservation to go to a white school to play basketball and many people on the reservation hate him for doing this. In this book I liked the way the author made many parts in the book humorous. I also liked how the author made the book suspenseful as well. Throughout this book Junior loses many people that are close to him and it shows how tough Indian life is. This book depicts the lives of many Indians and it shows how many of them suffer from alcoholism. This book was very good because it shows the struggles Junior faces throughout his life and how he has to overcome them.

Devon R. said...

*** This book was not the greatest book I have ever read. It was actually pretty short and wasn't living up to what I heard. Its about this boy who lives on an Indian Reservation who goes to an all white school. He talks about the life at both. It got from being funny to being depressing actually. It was a pretty short and easy read. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes funny stories.

jonathan s said...

***I would give the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian three stars. I liked this book because of the drawing, and because it was pretty finny. The main character in this book is a poor Indian boy born with a lot of health problems. He grows getting picked on for all of his problems, but his friends, Rowdy, is always there for him. Then he is told by a teacher he should leave the rez. to make a better life for him self. He decides to go to a school off of the rez. And the whole town turns on him. You will have to read the book to fine out how things play out for this kid.

Michael M. said...

The book is astounding. It tells the tale of a one kid trying to find his lot in life and escape from the suffocating oppression of reservation life. Junior begins his escape with joining a school off the res where his problems begin to mount. With hatred from all around the new school, betrayal by his friends on the reservation, and death tolls rising around him, it seems almost impossible for Junior to go on. Howeve he finds away and persaveres through it, with the help of new friends and some hilarious moments. Read this book and find out what the joy of reading is all about with hilarious laughs along the way.

Anthony D. said...

*** This book was good, but it has room for improvement. It’s mainly about an Indian boy that is living on a reservation who is picked on by mostly everyone, including adults. He then decides to go to a better school 22 miles away, gets picked on at first, but then gain his respect there. Again, it was good, but it could use more, I really didn’t like when Junior would keep saying, “Okay, so,” it got annoying after awhile. Well I hope that other people will enjoy more than I did.

Emily W said...

** The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part time Indian was not what I expected it was about. Therefore I didn’t really like it as much. It was about a boy who goes by the name of Junior. Junior was born with water on his brain. When he was young doctors took some of the pressure off his brain, but Junior was left with some brain damage. Through the course of the book Junior learns what it is like to be respected and loose friends and family. In the process of finding himself he moves to a school of the reservation. Get beat up a few times and learns he can do anything he puts his mind to. Even though I didn’t like it I hope others do.

Ethan S said...

***** I think that The Absolutely True Story Of A Part-Time Indian is a very good book. It is entertaining and the reader will not get bored while reading this book. It is about this boy named Junior who makes a decision to leave the reservation and go to a new school for better opportunities in life. After making this decision he faced problems and hardships at his new school and at the rez. This book is filled with both fun and laughter as well as sadness. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking forward to reading a great book.

Brandon H. said...

**** The Absolutely True Dairy of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie was a very good book. The main character is junior, who lives on the spokane indian reservation with his family. junior enjoys drawing, throught the whole book he draws cartoon like pictures to describe what is happening at that time in the book. The book does a very good job at showing what life is like on a indian reservation and the struggles they have in society. The book was a very easy and quick read. I would reccomend this book to anyone that hasent read this great novel yet, because you're missing out on a great book.