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A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly


Anonymous said...

**** I really enjoyed this book. At the beginning I found it to be somewhat boring, but then during the middle I didn’t even want to put it down. At times I thought that it was confusing how you would be in one Place with Mattie but then in the next chapter you would be in a completely different place. I liked the fact that the Author had put fictional and Non Fictional characters together in a story. I really liked the fact that Grace Brown and Chester Gillette were actually real people. I found it interesting that Chester really killer Grace Brown in July of 1906. The actual event made a fictional book 10 times better.

Anonymous said...

****I really liked this book. At first it got confusing on who was talking but once you kept reading it made more sense. After both the stories got going it was really hard to stop reading. The story behind everything was so interesting and you really go to know the characters. Plus, if you keep reading in the back of the book you will find that the story is actually true which I thought was really interesting. I felt that the main character, Maddie, really grew up and even though it took place in the early 1900's you could still relate to her about certian things. I would recommend this book to anyone and I am go glad I read it.

Anonymous said...

**** This book was very well written. It took me a while to really get into it, but I’m glad I kept reading. Nicole Donnelly, the author, really writes in a way that you can make a picture in your mind of everything going on. Many books that are set in the 1900's may not catch your eye, but this one was really good. It showed the struggles of death, love, and independence. There were things that I could even relate to in this book. The fact that the main character was 17 also made it very easy to understand where she was coming from, and you really could get a sense of how she felt. I would highly recommend this book to anyone, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Anonymous said...

**** I was looking forward to reading this book, and I really enjoyed it. There are two stories going on at once, and that's kind of confusing at times, but it also makes the story that much more interesting. The characters were very true to themselves, in every aspect of their lives. Mattie knew who she was, and what she wanted, and was going to follow her dreams no matter what. I think that can be very inspiring to anyone reading the book, considering the things she went through. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who's looking for a great book!

Anonymous said...

****I thought this book was very good; normally I don't like books that are set that far back in time. It started out kind of slow, but eventually picked up and I didn't want to put the book down. A Northern Light is easy to read and is descriptive enough so you can get a good picture of what is going on in your head. I would recommend that if u read this book not to give up on it right away. It is slow and kind of confusing in the beginning, but it gets way better and you will be glad you read it all the way through! I also thought that it was really neat how the author used both fictional and non-fictional characters and based her book off of real events. I think that makes the book even more interesting. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an interesting book to read.

Anonymous said...

****A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly is set back in the years of buckboards and the use of horses for plowing. The main character Mattie Gokey was given the burden of having to burn letters from a woman that was a customer of the Glenmore. The Glenmore is the hotel Mattie works at to get extra money for college and to help her dad pay for a new mule for the farm. Mattie is really into reading and desires to go to college in New York City. There is love in the story when her and Royal Loomis, her gorgeous neighbor, start dating. The end of the book pulls the story together and I felt that I missed a lot of the story because it was somewhat confusing in the beginning. The end of the book in the additional sections told that some of the characters and the story were actually true. Those made me appreciate the book so much more once I read that.

Anonymous said...

****I actually thought this book was really good. The beginning was kind of slow and hard for me to get into, but when you get farther through it gets harder to put down. I’m not very into the books that are not based on this day and age but in this case I really liked this book. I really liked the character Weaver, because he was able to speak his mind and fight for what he believed in and what he thought was right. Even though he new that the consequences wouldn’t be very good in most cases, he still tried to make the world better.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this book! I always am one to enjoy books that are set back in time. The only thing that I would change is, I wished that Jennifer Donnelly would have wrote the book in the style as if it were written in those times; most people liked that it wasn’t, because it was easier to read. It really got me interested because through out the entire book there were two stories going on at once. One was a simple story of two kids, Mattie and Wever, who were trying to fight the old ways in order to improve their world: by getting an education. In those days girls and African Americans were still looked down on, but those two were determined to stop it! The other story going on was a bit more complex. Grace Brown had been murdered at the Glenmore in, where Mattie worked. Right before she died she gave Mattie some letters to burn, which being overly curious, Mattie read them and learned some very interesting things. I would recommend this wonderful and inspiring book to everyone and anyone. If you haven’t already, go and read this book now!

Jenny Moore said...

*****I really enjoyed with this book, I recommend this book to everyone. It kind of starts of slow, but gets really good. It takes place way back in the farm is the only way of living time. That doesn’t make it boring at all. There’s murder, love, family topics, and finding your way in life. I could never put this book down; I was up late at night. I think that it’s interesting that the murder that happens in the book actually happened, but the events in the character’s life are made up. Fiction and non-fiction put into one.

Rachel B. said...

****I really liked the book A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. It is about a sixteen-year-old girl named Mattie who lived back in the 1900’s. Mattie is a very likeable character who is really easy to relate to. This is a book that was written about a true murder story that really happened in history. I thought that, that fact alone made this book really cool. However, it is really easy to get frustrated in the beginning of this book because the author jumps around a lot. But, once I got farther in the book I thought that it made the book even more enjoyable to read. Once you are able to start to put everything together the book makes a lot more sense and you won’t be able to put it down! I would recommend reading this book to anybody! It is a very good book!

Stephanie said...

****I really liked A Northern Light. In the beginning, it took a while for me to understand and to get into it. However, when I did get into it, I really enjoyed it. Mattie was only 17 in the book and had more responsibility than most people would be able to handle at that age. She took on a lot when her mother died and when her bother left. Her Pa also didn’t make it very easy to be happy. Mattie is a very strong person and she puts up with a lot. The book is kind of funny because of it being set in 1906 and the way they talk is different but that makes it interesting. I would suggest this book to people, just give it some time to get into it.