Book Ratings

  • **** One of the best books I've read
  • *** I liked this book
  • ** This book is okay
  • * I do not recommend this book

America by E.R. Frank

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

*** I thought that this was a pretty good book. It is about a boy named America who has experienced a difficult life and is undergoing therapy with Dr. B. America has a hard time opening up to his therapist, and throughout a series of flashbacks, we learn what a difficult childhood America had. I thought it was interesting that America was originally a good kid. He was living with a foster mother and was really happy. It was when he went to visit his birth mother that he changed. I thought it was sad the way his brother’s originally treated him. I also found it sad what Browning did to him later in the book. The only problem that I had with the book was that it seemed that many of the therapy sessions were unimportant, and that they were just added to make the book longer. These therapy sessions made the book get boring at times. Overall, I would recommend reading this book.