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The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall


nubby r said...

**** The ultimate gift was my favorite book out of the identity unit. The book is about a boy’s uncle who has died and he’s a really wealthy man. He had cattle ranches and he was part owner of an oil rig. When they all gathered to see what was in the will Jason was one person who did not get anything. Red, Jason’s uncle left him a video of what he had to watch. He would have to come in at the beginning of every month to find out what he had to do. They were from going to help people that Red knew or just about being courtesy and helping others. If Jason did not complete his 12 months of deeds he would not get what his uncle left for him. If you’re a person who likes to think a head of what’s Jason going to do you will have to read this book to find out.

Sandra L said...

***The Ultimate Gift was a short novel about Jason Stevens, a young man who’s uncle, Red Stevens dies and puts Jason in his will for the ultimate gift. The book was a fast read that kept my interest. I like how the author developed Jason’s character as each month of gifts progressed. I think my favorite month was the gift of family because it showed the importance of having people to call your family. I liked how Jason was able to find a family that wasn’t blood related. I would recommend this to people who want a short and happy ending book to read.

ashley s said...

*** I think that this book was a really good book. It was hard for me to put it down because there was so much suspense in it. I couldn’t wait to finish it because I wanted to find out what happen in the end and what the ultimate gift was. I would defiantly recommend this book to someone.

Landon H said...

The Ultimate Gift is about Howard ‘Red’ Stevens who is an oil tycoon, and a cattle rancher who in his will, is giving his great nephew Jason part of his estate. But before Jason gets any the inheritance he must learn some important life lessons. The lessons include: The gift of work, love, day, gratitude, giving, dreams, laughter, family, problems, learning, friends, and money. Read the book to find out if Jason completes all of the tasks. The Ultimate Gift is a pretty good book, and I would recommend it because it’s a short and is a pretty interesting.

Clint S. said...

The Ultimate gift is a very good book if you’re into self-help. The book was about a very wealthy man named Red Stevens that died and left a lot of wealth to his family. Among his family was a young man named Jason that does not get anything from the will except a video. In that video was contained a video note of Red Stevens, The video said that he would be receiving the ultimate gift. Jason had to go thru with 12 month ordeal of doing things for other people and learning what he wants to do with his life. All in all I would give this book 6 out of 10. I liked it an all but these are not the kind of books that I would read.

Cortney A said...

The Ultimate Gift is a good book and a fast read. The book is about a man named Red Stevens who is extremly wealthy and has spolied his whole family. He decideds that he is going to give his great nephew the "ultimate gift" but he is going to have to work for it. This book is about that you have to work for what you want and is overall a pretty good book. I would recamend this book to anybody who is in the idenity unit and needs a fast book to read but is also a good book.