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Tamar by Mal Peet


Anonymous said...

Tamar is about two young men who lived during World War II. They were parachuted into Holland as part of the resistance against Hitler. One of the men, who code name was Tamar, has a secret lover there named Marijke. The other man, code named Dart, was in love with Marijke was well. What I really liked about this book was that it wasn’t just about war and how bad it was. Along with the aspects of the war, the novel also included what the Jews went through and how a person felt when they were being investigated by a Nazi soldier. I also liked the book’s ending. I’d have to say it was the best part and made the book extremely worth reading. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes romance and mystery and suspenseful.

Michael M. said...

Tamar, is an interesting book. It talks about the troubles of spies fighting the Nazi's in world war II along with the feelings the felt and the search for the answer to a mystery a girls grandfather and put forth to her shortly before his death. The whole book chronicles the adventures of Dart and Tamar, two spies in holloand in 1945 seeking to aid the various resistence groups in the area, along with Tamar's (The Girl) own adventures in modern day Holland/England.

Ross said...

For the war and injustices unit I read the book Tamar by Mal Peet. This book centers on two time periods. 1940’s Holland, where British spies, Tamar and Dart, have been parachuted in to help the Dutch resistance. They experience many dangers, namely the Nazi’s, but other betrayal and drama make this part of the book very good. The second time period is in the 1990’s. It centers on a girl named Tamar, named after her spy grandfather, who goes and explores Europe to learn his story. I strongly recommend this book, and promise you won’t see the ending coming.