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Tweak by Nic Sheff


Anonymous said...

Tweak is based on a true story of Nic Sheff who also wrote the book. He was a drug addict and explains how he has survived through his life. What made this book good is knowing that this was a true story and that anyone any day could be going through the same thing that Nic did. The way that Nic wrote his story was also very unique. He writes in days so he tells only the main parts of everyday that he went through when he was very addicted and using drugs. Some parts sounded like they wouldn’t be true just because you think of your life compared to his. This book was a good book because you can relate or compare yourself with Nic’s life and learn a lot about how you should have good relationships with your parents and friends.

I would give this book between 2 and 3 stars.
The reasoning would be because it got really wordy and dragged on when he was telling about his past life.

Anonymous said...

Tweak is a non-fiction novel about the author Nic Sheff. He talks about the struggles that he faced as he was a strong addict. He would regularly smoke pot, do cocaine, and ecstacy. He later developed an addiction to crystal meth and heroin. Like any addict Nic thought that he would always be able to quit and put his life together whenever he needed to. It took a really bad relapse one summer in California to convince him otherwise. Through out the book, Nic talks alot about his past and how it affects where he is at now in his life.

I would give this book between 2 and 3 stars. The some parts really get into detain and they are really good at grabbing your attention and holding it. Other parts seem to drag on forever.

Anonymous said...

I just finished the book Tweak. I would deffinitlly recommened this book to people that would want to learn about the drug addicts mind. And someone who would like to get informed about what drugs do to good people. The book is all about Nic and how his drug addiction has effected his life. It also shows how distructive this desease is. If your looking for a good interesting novel, pick up this book.

Bre Olstad said...

This book was about a young man dealing with addiction. He was into all different hardcore dugs like methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. He becomes so deeply involved he starts to prostitute himself on the street for drugs or money to get drugs. He is in and out of rehabs and twelve step programs constantly. Ever since he started using his whole life has become a struggle. In the end maybe he’ll be able to surpass the need for the chemicals he pumps into his bloodstream or submit to a life of addiction, prostitution, and illness. I really enjoyed this book. It’s insane how people can become so dependent on a substance. It’s almost depressing reading books about addiction because when people start messing around with these kinds of drugs it seems impossible to ever be straight again. I would suggest this book for this unit. It’s a little longer then a lot of the books but it goes by pretty fast because there’s always something going on with the people in the book.

Emmt S. said...

** This story drags a little and is also repetitive. It does show you that an addiction is very difficult to overcome. The main character, Nic, tries to sober up many times but is continuously relapsing. A majority of the time it is because the girl he is with is using and so he starts back up again himself. Nic puts both himself and his family through living hell. It is a little heartwarming that even though Nic has relapsed many times, and has burned the bridge between himself and his family many times over, that they still try to give him a chance whenever he claims he wants to be sober and straighten his life out. This author opened a door into the depths a tweaker will go to just to get their fix, even if he did have to be a little graphic at times.