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Glass by Ellen Hopkins


Anonymous said...

This book is the sequel to Crank. Kristina now has a baby and is still addicted to meth. In this book Kristinas addiction become so bad. She is kicked out of her parents house, she loses custody of her child, and she starts committing all of these crimes with her new boyfriend to support their habit.

i really liked this book and i would rate it 4 stars. Towards the end it got really good it kept me hanging on to every page.

Garrett O said...

I just finished the book Glass witch is the sequel to the book Crank. In the second book Kristin relapses on Meth. Her addiction picks up right where it lefts off and gets her kicked out of her home. Throughout the book her relationship with her family and her baby seem to vanishing into a cloud of Meth smoke. She finds herself turning to people that are doing bad things, and people that she swore she would never talk to again. I give this book 3 stars it was a great book. And I enjoyed coming to class so that I could read it.

Cassi N. said...

Glass by Ellen Hopkins is a great book. I’m glad she wrote a sequel to crank. I was surprised when her mom kicked her out with no place to go. I like the new character, Trey, but I don’t think he is very good for Kristina. I loved this book and I would recommend it to anyone. Crank and Glass are a great series, everyone should read them!

Stefani R said...

**** This book is called Glass and it is the sequel to the book Crank by Ellen Hopkins. It had more stuff going on and it was easier to get into than crank was. Kristina gets herself into even more trouble in this book. It’s right when you think that things are getting better for her that everything changes. She’s messed up even worse than before not with dealing, stealing, sleeping with multiple people and forgetting her baby. This book is pretty sad but it I still recommend it to anyone, especially people who are fans of other Ellen Hopkins books.

Haley C. said...

**** Glass was a very good sequel to Crank. This book was a little better then the first one. Kristina is pretty much over her head in crank. She has forgotten about her baby, her family, and everything else that once used to matter to her, before the crank. Crank has got her stealing, dealing, sleeping around, and forgetting about her real family. I really enjoyed this book. I would recommend it to anyone it was very good.

Gavin said...

**** If you ever wondered how being addicted to something may affect you this is the book you have to read. Glass is the continuation of Crank. It picks right up where Crank left off. In reading this book you’ll see threw the eyes of one who truly is addicted and you will see how far they are willing to go to feed that addiction. After reading this book you will truly see what it is like to be addicted.

Lindsay D said...

I thought Glass by Ellen Hopkins was great. I liked it way more then Crank. Glass is the sequel to crank. Kristina (Bree) becomes more addicted and absent minded then ever before. When Kristina finds herself struggling to keep up with her baby, Hunter, she calls an old friend so she can get glass to wake her up more. After Kristina’s mother throws her out for neglecting her son, Kristina turns to dealing drugs to make money. She’s also living with her new love’s (Trey) cousin Brad and his daughters. When Brad’s wife returns Kristina and Trey live together. All I can say is Kristina’s is a bigger mess then before.

Steph L. said...

**** Glass by Ellen Hopkins was a really great book.

I gave it four stars. The book was a sequel to Crank and about a girl named Kristina/Bree and her addiction to meth. In the book she has a child and she slowly moves back to the path of using again. She believes she can control it at first but Bree takes over. The book is all about her troubles and the things she looses and loves to the monster taking over her life. The book really kept me reading and I was really into it since I read it right after I got done reading Crank. It keeps me wanting to see what happens next. I didn’t like the ending, only because I want to know more about what happens! I hope there will be a sequel soon. I would really recommend this book.

Jon B. said...

****I thought that this was a good book. It was about a girl named Kristina who calls herself Bree. In the first book, called Crank, she gets addicted to meth, in the second book, called Glass, she has a baby and she tried to stop using the addicting drug, but temptation takes over along with Bree and she cannot help herself. The ending was a big surprise and you would never see it coming.

Matt l said...

I just got done reading the book Glass the sequel to the book Crank. I liked this book a lot and the ending shocked me more than anything ever. In this book Kristina gets back into the Meth businesses she started to quit during her pregnancy and now as you think everything is going to get better it goes down in a big slope. She gets kicked out of her house and she started to be a stranger to her own son. Her mom did not want her to even come over because she knew what was going on with her daughter. I really like how the book ended.