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The Golden Compass (Book One of Trilogy) by Philip Pullman


Anonymous said...

I don’t think I would recommend this book because I didn’t really like it. It’s about a ten-year-old girl named Lyra who embarks on a journey to the north to save the children (including her friend, Roger) who had been taken by the “Gobblers.” She goes with the assistance of her daemon, Panalaimon and of course “the golden compass,” the alethiometer. The alethiometer is something that can tell you anything you want to know by using what look like clock hands that spin around and point at different pictures around the face of the device, however, a lot of things happen on the way to slow her down.
There were quite a lot of things I didn’t like about this book. First of all, they don’t describe hardly anything about the characters or the places they go. I like it when the author tells you what things look like because I am a very visual person. Phillip Pullman hardly even told you what the main character, Lyra looked like. It was also a very slow starter and would get slow at times throughout the book. That would get kind of frustrating. Also, it had words that were near impossible to pronounce, like: panserbjorn, daemon, Panalaimon, Iorek Byrnison, and alethiometer. It really annoys me when I can’t pronounce things in a book that I’m reading. Lastly, the characters were too young to have any sort of romance, (not that I like reading romance novels) but I think that romances give more feeling to the story.
So, all in all, I don’t think that “The Golden Compass” was a very good book and I’m not going to recommend it to anyone unless they like slow, not descriptive books with hard to pronounce words.

Anonymous said...

I really like this book. It’s about a young girl named Lyra who goes on a journey to the north to save her father, while her mother is trying to take her hostage. At first I thought the book was ridiculous and that the movie looked weird. It took me a while to get used to the book. It has a lot of long, descriptive words and is hard to understand at first. You have to read the whole book to really get through the next two. I say it’s definitely worth trying to read it even if you don’t understand. I really liked how the author described things in such dept and can’t believe how he could’ve thought of these things. I’d also recommend if you’re a god-loving church go-er, you probably won’t like the ending.