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Chanda's Secrets by Allan Stratton


Ashley H said...

Chanda's Secrets was the best book I've read in this class. I doubted it at first, but couldn't put it down once I started. It's about a teenage girl, Chanda struggling to live a normal life with her Mother and siblings after her father died. It's about AIDS in Africa and how no one is doing anything about it, and how all of the people try to hide it. If someone has the "sickness" everyone shuns them afraid of catching it themself. Chanda takes everyone in her village by suprise by standing by her mothers side when she is dying of AIDS. It really shows how other cultures are aware and what they do to try and prevent AIDS.

Chelsea K said...

Chanda's secret was a very good book. I thought at first that it was going to be a little weird but it turned out to be one of the best books that I have read. It is about a girl named Chanda. It is also about AIDS. In Africa, if you have AIDS, you will die and people will hide and shun you for it. This is about how after Chanda’s father died, her, her mother, and her siblings got along without his help. When her mother starts to die, people are wondering what it is from. Then she starts to think the thing that could outcast her forever until she dies. I thought that it was written well. It makes you so sad that because someone has AIDS they are outcasts. Also, the hard life that Chanda and her family had to live. I thought that this was a very good book and I would defiantly recommend this book.

Rianne R said...

Chanda’s Secrets was an eye opening book for me. It is about a girl named Chanda whose friends and family members are being taken away from her by the AIDS disease. She has to cope with devastating loss and take care of her growing family at the same time. Her life is nearly ruined and who knows whether she came back on top. This book is a good example of what AIDS have done to people across the world. It shows the hardships of the disease and how families are shunned from society once word of them having the disease gets out. I thought the book was really sad and I was very happy with the ending. It made me feel bad about the luxuries I take advantage of in my life. I recommend this book to everybody.

Jessie B said...

*** Chanda's Secrets is a very good book. This book is about a girl named Chanda and about her family. She moves around from house to house, and her mother has a new husband and new children throughout Chanda's whole life. In their community AIDS is frowned upon. Her best friends parents died with the AIDS disease. And eventually her best friend is rumored to have it because she sleeps around, so Chanda's mother tells her not to be friends with her. This story is about Chanda overcoming rumors and dealing with death and a disease where no one thinks twice about it. I would highly recommend this book.

Steph L said...

Chanda’s Secrets was an awesome book. I really enjoyed this book because it kept you thinking and wondering. It was about a girl named Chanda and her family and the things they go through and dealing with AIDS in their city. The book is a real eye opener of what goes on and how big of a deal AIDS really is. What I really liked about this book was how it was written and had the little flash backs of what had happened before this. I also liked how it kept you guessing and kept you reading the book. There was nothing I didn’t like about his book. It was very sad but it was an interesting book to read. I would recommend this book to anyone because it would be enjoyable at any age.

Chelsea M said...

Chanda's Secrets was an educational and deppressing book to me. This book is about how the spreading of aids was hidden in Africa. People were ashamed of it and went to the extent of killing themselves because they didn't think their family would accept them with the disease. Chanda is a teenager that lives in an environment like that, her father died of the disease, and so did many people around her. Chanda grew up to be afraid of public opinion, but her strong love for a person in her life that contracted it and her discust with people for hiding the disease made her see that it really was more terrible to hide the real cause of death. So, she took a stand and made a huge difference for the people living in her small town.