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Nation by Terry Pratchett

1 comment:

Bennett Cooke said...

The book was good

This book is about a boy named Mau and he lives on an island called the Nation Him and hundreds of people live on this island worshiping gods and goddesses and live of the resources the Nation provides for them. One day when Mau was away from the island, a huge tidal wave hit the Nation and killed about everyone living their. The wave also wrecked a ship on the Nation and that’s when Mau meets Daphne for the first time. They both and others have to work together to survive until help comes. Meaning finding food, shelter, people going crazy on the island, the Raiders, etc…. I liked this book because it had so much going on in it but it all seemed to fall in place sometime in the story. I also didn’t like the book because of it being a big book, it took a long time for me to finish, and some of the parts in the book wouldn’t make since so you would have to read it over again. I liked in the book that even though Mau wasn’t a true man at the time, he still was able to lead his people the same way as a man would be able to lead. I suggest this book if you’re into the ancient gods and working together to survive on an island.