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Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson


CaitlinJ said...

****Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
This was truly an amazing story about a girl, Lea. Lea was caught in between 2 worlds, living, and death. Lea was barely living, and kept getting pulled into death by her friend Cassie who had just recently died. Lea and Cassie both made a bet of being the skinniest girls their age. They believed they were really fat, but know body at the age of 18 that is 90 pounds can be considered fat! Read this story to read if Lea can escape getting pulled into death by Cassie, and become healthy once again!

Rianne R said...

This wasn’t one of my favorite books, and I actually found it to be really depressing. The overall story of the book is very original. It’s about a girl named Lea who is battling a life consuming disease, has a horrible relationship with her mother, and to top it all off, her best friend just died. Lea thinks she is to blame, since her friend called her 33 times the night of her death. She won’t let her family help her, and her disease will drive her to do things she has never done before. This book is okay if you really liked sad, depressing stories. I recommend this book because it’s a short read and it makes your life seem easier.

Jordan O said...

Wintergirls ***
Wintergirls is a disturbing yet eye opening story about high school girls dealing with eating disorders. Lea, who is anorexic, struggles throughout the story to accept herself, while having to cope with the death of her best friend Cassie. Lea must get past her self-esteem issues in order to avoid Cassie, who is haunting her, and death. Lea wants to set a good example for her little step sister ,but she feels that her eating habits are the only thing she has control over in her life and that she is not willing to give that up. This story was very interesting to me because I never realized that there could be people with such an intense eating disorder. Everyone has self-esteem issues, but this book takes it over the top and makes you realize that worrying about how you look doesn’t allow you to live your life to the fullest. This wasn’t my favorite book to read, but the message is really important.