Book Ratings

  • **** One of the best books I've read
  • *** I liked this book
  • ** This book is okay
  • * I do not recommend this book



Cody H said...

I felt that the book Codetalkers was alright. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would but don't get me wrong it was a good book. It showed how the Navajo were involved in the World War and played a big part in helping the US defete the Japanese forces. He went from a normal school to a boarding school to the Military where in the bording school they didn't let them speak the native Navajo at all.
I would recemend reading it because it was interesting if you enjoy action, war.

cody s said...

*** The book code talker was a good book. It is about the Navajo Indians and how they help in the world war. The main boy in it starts off going to a normal school for Navajos but the he goes to a boarding school where he can’t speak Navajo with all of the other Navajo kids. When he is done with the school he’s goes into the military. When he gets to the military he finds out they have a code. The code is the Navajo language and he and all the other kids can speak Navajo to help the U.S beat the Japanese. Overall I say it was a good book and if you like books about Indians and the world war you should take the time reading it.