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Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult


Anonymous said...

*****(5 stars)
Jodi Picoult "plain truth" was a very interesting book. I have watched the movie which is also called "plain truth", but i was quite some time ago, yet the book was still as entreeging as the first time that i had watched the movie. The way that the amish culture is mixed with that of the big city lawyers, elle when she come to stay with them over the months is really interesting. How she has to grow to the amish coustums, and how the amish learn to grow to a few of her costums. It goes into the depths of those who live what they call "plain". Elle must try to reach out to katie to help defend her but on her terms. And through this process elle really starts to find out what she fears and what she wants in her own life. Elle stuggles with having to face a system of justice that is very different then her own, or what she is used too. Picoult really shows you or makes you get an image of what each character is really like, so while your reading the story you can picture exactly what is going on. Its like your putting a common face to each character and that really helps you while your ready this novel. Its a very moving and eventful story, it really sticks in your head and makes you wanting to read more. I persoally think that everyonw should read it.

Anonymous said...

****Plain Truth, by Jodi Picoult was a very interesting book about Katie Fisher, the Amish girl, and Elle Hathaway, a prosecutor. Elle has to go and live with the Fisher family because of the charges that were pressed against Katie. She has to learn the Amish ways of life, and has many obstacles to overcome on the way leading up to her court date. What Elle fears the most it what the truth actually is. The only problem is no one seems to be telling her what she wants to hear. I liked in this book how Picoult brought together the Amish and American ways of life. It brought more challenges and suspense to the novel. Picoult describes the characters and pretty much everything in the book to make it feel like you are actually there with the characters. This story is really great and keeps you wanting more.

Jessy F said...

**** Plain Truth is about an Amish girl who has grown up to face many hard struggles in her early years. She loses two siblings and now is the only child left in her family. When a dead newborn is found on the family farm, all fingers point to her, being she is the only one that can bare children living on the property. Stories secrets and events from the past come into play when she gets charged and put on trial for first degree murder of the infant. It is a very compelling and interesting read. As always Jodie Picult pulls you into the world of her characters and allows you to get to know then as if they were real people. I defiantly recommend this book to anyone that likes Jodie’s work as an author and especially if you like page turners that suck you into the story.