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Smack by Melvin Burgess


Anonymous said...

***** Would you ever do “Junk?” How about “smack?” Ever hitched a ride on the “H-train?” “Chased the dragon?” Well I hope you haven’t and never will. “Smack” is a rollercoaster ride of tragedies that follow two “friends” on there Heroine Filled adventure as they run away from home.
Sure they’d done drugs before the left (mostly just Pot), but they’d never done anything as serious as “Junk!” It all starts with Tar running away from a home where his daddy smacked him up and his mommy got drunk and used him. Gema, seeing how great tar’s doing away from home decides that she can run away too. Tar has found some new friends who let them join their group and keep him on the level… well as level as you can get when out wreaking anarchic havoc on London. But they keep him out of trouble.
When Gema finds new friends to live with, and Tar follows. They get introduced to “Junk, Smack,” in short heroine! That first time that they “chase the dragon” they have NO idea where it will lead them. This story is an amazing adventure of two “lovers” who, in just two years, change in many ways.
Keep this in mind if you read this book (which you really should): How could such a (seemingly) harmless thing do so much to people? Is it love?... Or just a high induced lust? What do you see these characters doing after starting on “smack” (wait till about 1/3 of the book to decide this)? Just read this book and don’t analyze it! Absorb what comes and take it at realistic value. Let this book flow and take you with it. And have fun with it!
Seriously you should read this book! I give it 5 out of 4 stars! “Just read it!!!”

Nikki A said...

The book Smack was one of the best books that I’ve read in a long time. This book reminded me of the books by Ellen Hopkins. The main character Gemma was an average teenage girl. But, she didn’t like the way her life was because her parents were very strict. Gemma’s parents didn’t allow her to hang out with her friends as much as she wanted to. While hanging out with some of her friends she meets this guy named Tar. Tar ends up falling in love with her and, she doesn’t love him back. Gemma and Tar started talking a little more and developed a friendship. Tar decides he wants to run away because his father beats him and his mother. Tar convinces Gemma to run away with him. After they get settled into their new place they meet some new people. Which Gemma and Tar get addicted to heroin. This book keeps you wanting to read more. I think this would be a perfect for young adult readers.